for women

with Carole Baillargeon


for women

Sunday 22 October 2023

Ferry leaves Cullen Bay 7:45 am

Returns Cullen Bay 5.20pm 


By the time October comes the weather will be pretty challenging and this yoga retreat will be just what we need.

All the elements of this yoga retreat will have a positive impact on your physical and mental health.

The relaxing mood will start on the ferry ride to get there.

The retreat will provide a break from your daily routine and electronic devices.


The Retreat Includes:

-Low key yoga classes in air con

-Brunch and Snacks

-Return ferry

-Yoga movie (optional)

 Time out to read, walk on the beach, have a sauna or cool down in the mineral spa

Price: $399 (after 1 September) | $359 (if paid by 1 September)

Max 8 participants. Book early to avoid disappointment

All students Welcome


Bring your own props or borrow them from the studio.

20kg max per person on the ferry.

Sunday 22 October 2023

Wagait Beach

Day Retreat

for women